Txt field add

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txt_field_id = txt_field_add(txt,style,x,y,width,height,callback)'

txt_field_add is used to add a text field on the specified location. The text field offers the user a way to input text from a keyboard.

Return value

Argument Type Description
txt_field_id String This value can be used for further reference. It's good practice to store this txt_field_id in your logic code.


# Argument Type Description
1 txt String This is the text being shown
2 style String The style to use. More information on styles.
3 x Number This is the most left point of the canvas where your text field should be shown.
4 y Number This is the most top point of the canvas where your text field should be shown.
5 width Number The text field width on the canvas.
6 height Number The text field height on the canvas.
7 callback Function This function will be called when the focus of the text field changes, or the user pressed a key when the text field has focus.


-- Called when focus changed or the user inputs a key
function callback(event, has_focus, txt, key, key_modifier)

  -- event can be:
  -- "key_pressed" : A key has been pressed
  -- "focus_changed" : The focus of the text field changed

  -- Enable some extra background image, when text field has focus.
  visible(bg_image, has_focus)

  -- Apply the pressed key into the text field
  -- Optionally you can do additional filtering here, if you only accept numeric signs for example
  if event == "key_pressed" then
    txt_set(txt_field_id, txt .. key_pressed)


txt_field_id = txt_field_add("","size:11px; color:black; halign:right;",0,0,200,50,callback)