IPad Manual

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For information on how to install both Air Manager iPad and the X-plane or FSX/P3D plugin, please go here.

Release notes

If you are looking for the release notes for both Air Manager and it's plugins, go here.

X-plane and FSX Plugin

The X-plane and FSX plugin are the bridge between the simulator and Air Manager for iPad. The plugin acts as a TCP/IP host. Multiple instances of Air Manager (iPad and desktop) running remote may connect to the same plugin.

Air Manager iPad

Showing and hiding the menu

Air Manager can be active in two modes:

  • Viewing mode : All instruments are showing full screen. No additional information is present on the screen.
  • Edit mode : You can configure the active instruments, by adding, removing, moving, scaling and searching the instruments.

It is possible to switch between these modes.

  • Viewing mode -> Edit mode : drag a single finger from the left side of the iPad inwards. It is best to start on the far edge of the iPad screen.
  • Edit mode -> Viewing mode : Press the button on the top left part of the screen, that says 'Hide menu'.

Viewing mode

The viewing mode is used in normal operation, where you want to only show the instruments you have selected. It is not possible to do stuff like adding, removing or reposition the instruments. Touch gestures and sent to manipulate the instruments buttons, switches and dials.

Edit mode

Within edit mode, you are able to add, remove, search and reposition individual instruments.

  • Add an instrument
  • Remove an instrument
  • Search for an instrument
  • Reposition reposition an instrument
  • Resize an instrument
  • Make instrument fill up available space

Using the menu

Showing active instruments

Adding an instrument

Press the instrument on the menu to add the instrument. By default, new instruments will be shown on the top left part of the screen.

Removing an instrument

To remove an instrument, tap the instrument within the menu (Note that you can press the 'active' tab bar button on the bottom left of the screen to show all currently active instruments.

Searching instruments

To search an instrument, press the search bar on the top left part of the screen, and start typing in keywords for the instrument you are looking for. E.g. these can be keywords like 'Boeing' or 'altimeter'. A space will separate the keywords.

Reposition and resize instruments

To reposition an instrument, press the instrument with one finger, and slide your finger to the desired instrument location. To resize an instrument, make a pinching gesture on the instrument you want to scale. To make an instrument use all it's surrounding space, double tap on the instrument. It will go as wide and high as it can go, without overlapping other instruments, and by respecting the instrument aspect ratio.


You can find the Air Manager settings within the settings app on your iPad. This is the normal place you can change all your iPad preferences. Once in the app, scroll down until you see the Air Manager text and logo, and select it. On the right you will be presented with the Air Manager settings.

  • Flight simulator type : Choose what kind of flight simulator you want Air Manager to couple to.
  • Flight simulator IP : Fill in the IP address or DNS name of the computer on which your flight simulator is running
  • Show FPS : Let Air Manager show the current frames per second on the top left of the screen.
  • Show tutorial : Once activated, Air Manager will show the tutorial on the next boot.

Communication between the plugin and Air Manager

Communication between the plugin and Air Manager is done by using the standard UDP protocol (Ethernet).

The plugins will act as a server using UDP port 5555 for the X-Plane plugin and UDP port 5556 for the FSX/P3D plugin. Air Manager acts as a client, which will try to connect on "localhost", using the same ports. If you are not running the simulator software and Air Manager on the same computer, make sure both computers are connected to the same network and there is no firewall blocking the UDP ports. You can have as many copies of Air Manager connect to the same plugin.