IPad Manual

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Revision as of 13:26, 6 September 2015 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Information on how to install both Air Manager iPad and the X-plane or FSX/P3D plugin, please go here.

Release notes

If you are looking for the release notes for both Air Manager and it's plugins, go here.

X-plane and FSX Plugin

The X-plane and FSX plugin are the bridge between the simulator and Air Manager for iPad. The plugin acts as a TCP/IP host, this can be either local or remote. Multiple instances of Air Manager running remote may connect to the same plugin. The FSX plugin works with both FSX and Prepar3D.

Air Manager iPad

Showing and hiding the menu

Using the menu

Showing active instruments

Adding an instrument =

Removing an instrument

Searching instruments =


Communication between the plugin and Air Manager

Communication between the plugin and Air Manager is done by using the standard UDP protocol (Ethernet).

The plugins will act as a server using UDP port 5555 for the X-Plane plugin and UDP port 5556 for the FSX/P3D plugin. Air Manager acts as a client, which will try to connect on "localhost", using the same ports. If you are not running the simulator software and Air Manager on the same computer, make sure both computers are connected to the same network and there is no firewall blocking the UDP ports. You can have as many copies of Air Manager connect to the same plugin.