Hw switch add

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hw_switch_id = hw_switch_add(hw_id_0, hw_id_1, hw_pos_n,callback)

switch_add is used to add a hardware switch. Every position on the switch should use one hardware input.

Return value

Argument Type Description
hw_switch_id Number This value can be used for further reference.


# Argument Type Description
1 hw_id_0 String The image for the first position. Note that this is both filename and extension. Its good practice to always use PNG format for images. JPG and BMP are also supported, but not recommended.
2 hw_id_1 String The image for the second position
n hw_id_n String The image for all other positions you might need. This is limitless
n+1 callback Function This function will be called when the switch changed position.


-- This function is called every time the switch has a new position
function switch_callback(position)
  print("The switch got changed to position " .. position)

-- Bind to Raspberry Pi 2, Header P1, Pin 38 and 40
hw_switch_add("RPI_V2_P1_38", "RPI_V2_P1_40", switch_callback)