Hw chr display set text

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hw_chr_display_set_text(hw_chr_display_id, text)
hw_chr_display_set_text(hw_chr_display_id, line, text)
hw_chr_display_set_text(hw_chr_display_id, display, line, text)

hw_chr_display_set_text is used to set the text on a Hardware character display.

Return value

This function won't return a value.


# Argument Type Description
1 hw_chr_display_id Object This is the reference to the character display output. You can get this reference from the hw_chr_display_add function.
2 display Number (Optional) The display where you wish to show the text. This only works with character display types that can be daisy chained. First display is 0.
3 line Number (Optional) The line where you wish to put the text. First line is 0.
4 text String The text.


-- Bind to the Arduino MEGA 2560 on channel A.
-- hw_id 1 = MAX7219 DIN (ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A_D4 in this example)
-- hw_id 2 = MAX7219 CLK (ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A_D5 in this example)
-- hw_id 3 = MAX7219 CS  (ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A_D6 in this example)
display_chr_id = hw_chr_display_add("MAX7219", 1, "ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A_D4", "ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A_D5", "ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A_D6")

-- Set text "12345" on display 0 (first), line 0
hw_chr_display_set_text(display_chr_id, 0, 0, "12345")