Air Player 4.x Desktop Installation

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    Run the downloaded Air Player executable and follow the on-screen instructions.

    By default, Air Player will install in the "Program Files" folder. A shortcut will be created on the desktop.

    Mac OS

    Mount the downloaded image, and drag the Air Player DMG file to your applications folder.

    You can now start Air Player from your applications folder.


    Follow these steps to install Air Player on your Linux system.

    Info Air Manager and Air Player are designed for a standard X11 display server. Newer systems using a Wayland display server are currently not supported. Most Linux distributions offer the option to choose between Xorg or Wayland sessions.

    1. Unzip the downloaded Air Player zip file to a new AirPlayer folder on your Desktop (~/Desktop/)

    2. Open a terminal and go to the new AirPlayer folder

     $ cd ~/Desktop/AirPlayer

    3. Run the included Linux setup as root. This will install the required libraries.

     $ sudo sh ./

    The install script will ask if it should create an autostart file to run AirPlayer automatically. If choosing 'yes' a new file will be created in ~/.config/autostart.

    4. Start Air Player manually

    For I/O support on the Raspberry Pi run Bootloader as root:

     $ sudo ./Bootloader

    Or, to run as regular user:

     $ ./Bootloader

    5. Raspberry Pi

    Follow the Linux installation instructions above. The latest Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm) uses Wayland by default. This can be changed using the raspi-config command line tool (run in a terminal as root): select Advanced options > Wayland > X11 from the menu and finish. After a reboot an X11 session will be started instead of Wayland.

    Raspberry Pi 3

    If your are experiencing low frame rates on the Raspberry Pi 3, increasing GPU memory and enabling GPU rendering is required.

    On the Raspberry Pi 4, these steps are not required.

    sudo raspi-config 
    4. Performance options -> P2 GPU Memory -> Set to 256
    6. Advanced options -> A2 GL Driver -> G1 Legacy
    Finish and reboot Raspberry Pi
    6. Advanced options -> A2 GL Driver -> G2 GL (Full KMS)
    Finish and reboot Raspberry Pi