Air Manager Instrument Logic API
Every instrument has a logic file (logic.lua). This file contains the code to tell the instrument how to behave. A well known scripting language is used, called Lua. This page describes which functions may be used in this logic file. For instance to add a background image, to add text or to communicate with X-Plane.
These functions are used to communicate with X-Plane. X-Plane knows two ways of communicating, datarefs and commands. Datarefs are used for most kind of data, such as airspeed, altitude etc. etc. The other way of communicating is done by sending commands to X-Plane. Commands are event driven, and are mostly used for simulating certain buttons on instruments.
Our YouTube contains videos about subscribing to datarefs, writing datarefs and variable_subscribe and commands.
Function | Description | Version |
xpl_dataref_subscribe(dataref,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to specified dataref(s) | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
xpl_dataref_write(dataref,type,value,offset,force) | Write to a certain X-Plane dataref | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
xpl_command(commandref) | Send a certain command to X-Plane | AM 1.2/AP 3.0 and up |
xpl_command_subscribe(commandref, callback_function) | Subscribe to certain command in X-Plane | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
connected = xpl_connected() | Check if we are connected to X-Plane | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
variable_subscribe(source,variable_name,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to multiple sources (X-Plane, FSX, AM) using one subscription | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
request_callback(callback_function) | Force an update on a subscription | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Flight Simulator X or Prepar3D
These functions are used to communicate with Flight Simulator X or Prepar3D. Air Manager uses the SimConnect interface. There are two ways of communicating, variables and events. Variables are used for most kind of data, such as airspeed, altitude etc. etc. The other way of communicating is done by sending events to FSX or Prepar3D. Events are mostly used for simulating certain buttons on instruments.
Click here for a screencast video about FSX and Prepar3D functions.
Function | Description | Version |
fsx_variable_subscribe(variable,unit,callback_function) | Subscribe to specified variable(s) | AM 2.0/AP 3.0 and up |
fsx_variable_write(variable,unit, value) | Write data to a variable | AM 2.0/AP 3.0 and up |
fsx_event(event) | Trigger a certain FSX or Prepar3D event | AM 2.0/AP 3.0 and up |
connected = fsx_connected() | Check if we are connected to FSX | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
connected = p3d_connected() | Check if we are connected to Prepar3d | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
variable_subscribe(source,variable_name,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to multiple sources (X-plane, FSX, AM) using one subscription | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
request_callback(callback_function) | Force an update on a subscription | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Flight Simulator 2020
These functions are used to communicate with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Air Manager uses the SimConnect interface. There are two ways of communicating, variables and events. Variables are used for most kind of data, such as airspeed, altitude etc. etc. The other way of communicating is done by sending events to the flight simulator. Events are mostly used for simulating certain buttons on instruments.
Function | Description | Version |
fs2020_variable_subscribe(variable,unit,callback_function) | Subscribe to specified variable(s) | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
fs2020_variable_write(variable,unit, value) | Write data to a variable | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
fs2020_event(event) | Trigger a certain FS2020 event | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
fs2020_event_subscribe(event, callback) | Subscribe to a certain FS2020 event | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
return_val = fs2020_rpn(rpn_script) | Execute a FS2020 RPN script | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
connected = fs2020_connected() | Check if we are connected to FS2020 | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
variable_subscribe(source,variable_name,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to multiple sources (X-plane, FSX, AM) using one subscription | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
request_callback(callback_function) | Force an update on a subscription | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Aerofly FS2
These functions are used to communicate with Aerofly FS2.
Click here for a screencast video about Aerofly FS2 functions.
Function | Description | Version |
fs2_msg_subscribe(msg,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to specified message(s) | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
fs2_msg_write(msg,flags,type,value) | Send a message to FS2 | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
connected = fs2_connected() | Check if we are connected to FS2 | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
variable_subscribe(source,variable_name,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to multiple sources (X-plane, FSX, AM) using one subscription | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
request_callback(callback_function) | Force an update on a subscription | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Inter-instrument communication
These functions are used to communicate between instruments. Communication all goes through the Air Manager flight simulator plugin (X-plane or FSX), so make sure that is running. There are two ways to communicate between instruments. Variables and commands. Variables are state full, there is always has a value behind it. Commands are event based, and won't hold any value.
Click here for a screencast video about inter-instrument communication.
Function | Description | Version |
var_id = si_variable_create(variable,unit,initial_value) | Create a new Air Manager variable | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
si_variable_subscribe(variable,unit,callback_function) | Subscribe to specified Air Manager variable(s) | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
si_variable_write(var_id,value) | Write to a Air Manager variable | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
variable_subscribe(source,variable_name,type,callback_function) | Subscribe to multiple sources (X-plane, FSX, AM) using one subscription | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
si_command_subscribe(command,callback_function) | Subscribe to specified Air Manager command(s) | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
si_command(command) | Send a Air Manager command | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
request_callback(callback_function) | Force an update on a subscription | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
External data
The Professional version of Air Manager can connect to external data sources. These functions describe how to receive and send data from and to an external source.
Function | Description | Version |
ext_variable_subscribe(source_tag,variable,unit,callback_function) | Subscribe to external source variable(s) | AM 2.1.2/AP 3.0 Professional and up |
ext_variable_write(source_tag,variable,unit, value) | Write an external source variable | AM 2.1.2/AP 3.0 Professional and up |
ext_command(source_tag,event_name) | Send a command to the external source | AM 2.1.2/AP 3.0 Professional and up |
request_callback(callback_function) | Force an update on a subscription | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Many objects (like images, text, buttons etc.) are considered nodes, and as such can be used with the functions below.
Click here for a screencast video about nodes.
Function | Description | Version |
move(node_id,x,y,width,height) | Move the node to the specified bounds | AM 1.3/AP 3.0 and up |
visible(node_id,visible) | Makes a node visible or invisible | AM 1.3/AP 3.0 and up |
opacity(node_id,opacity) | Change the opacity | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
viewport_rect(node_id,x,y,width,height) | Only shows the node within a specified rectangle | AM 1.3/AP 3.0 and up |
These functions are used to add images to your instrument. The order in which you add the images determines the layering. The images you add first are at the back, and every next image is layed on top of the previous. PNG is used as the image format, since it supports transparency.
Click here for a screencast video about the image functions.
Function | Description | Version |
image_id = img_add(filename,x,y,width,height) | Add an image to specified bounds | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
image_id = img_add_fullscreen(filename) | Add an image fullscreen | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
rotate(image_id,degrees) | Rotate an image to the specified degree | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
remove(image_id) | Remove the image from the instrument | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Function | Description | Version |
running_img_id = running_img_add_ver(filename,x,y,nr_visible_items,item_width,item_height) | Adds a vertical running image object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
running_img_id = running_img_add_hor(filename,x,y,nr_visible_items,item_width,item_height) | Adds a horizontal running image object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
running_img_id = running_img_add_cir(filename,x,y,nr_visible_items,item_width,item_height,radius) | Adds a circular running image object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
running_img_move_carot(running_img_id, position) | Set carrot position for a running image object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
These functions are used to add text to your instrument.
Click here for a screencast video about the text functions.
Function | Description | Version |
txt_id = txt_add(text,style,x,y,width,height) | Add a text box to specified bounds | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
txt_set(txt_id,text) | Set a new text string | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
txt_style(txt_id,style) | Change the style of a text box | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
rotate(txt_id,degrees) | Rotate text to the specified degree | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Function | Description | Version |
running_txt_id = running_txt_add_ver(x,y,nr_visible_items,item_width,item_height,value_callback,style) | Adds a vertical running text object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
running_txt_id = running_txt_add_hor(x,y,nr_visible_items,item_width,item_height,value_callback,style) | Adds a horizontal running text object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
running_txt_id = running_txt_add_cir(x,y,nr_visible_items,item_width,item_height,radius,value_callback,style) | Adds a circular running text object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
running_txt_move_carot(running_txt_id, position) | Set carrot position for a running text object | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
These functions let you add buttons to your instruments. Buttons don't have any state, they always pop back to the original position.
Click here for a screencast video about button functions.
Function | Description | Version |
button_id = button_add(img_normal,img_pressed,x,y,width,height,press_callback,release_callback) | Add a button to specified bounds | AM 1.2/AP 3.0 and up |
mouse_setting(button_id,property,value) | Sets mouse settings for a button (such as custom cursor images) | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
These functions let you add switches to your instrument. Switched are statefull, they can have 2 or more positions.
Click here for a screencast video about button functions.
Function | Description | Version |
switch_id = switch_add(img_pos_0, img_pos_1, img_pos_n,x,y,width,height,click_callback) | Add a switch to specified bounds | AM 1.2/AP 3.0 and up |
switch_set_position(switch_id,position) | Set the switch to a certain position | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
position = switch_get_position(switch_id) | Get the current switch position | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
touch_setting(switch_id,property,value) | Sets touch settings for a switch | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
mouse_setting(switch_id,property,value) | Sets mouse settings for a switch (such as custom cursor images) | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
These functions let you add a dial to your instrument. Dials can be rotated endlessly, and don't hold any state.
Click here for a screencast video about dial functions.
Function | Description | Version |
dial_id = dial_add(image,x,y,width,height,acceleration,click_callback) | Add a dial to specified bounds | AM 1.2/AP 3.0 and up |
touch_setting(dial_id,property,value) | Sets touch settings for a dial | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
mouse_setting(dial_id,property,value) | Sets mouse settings for a dial (such as custom cursor images) | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
dial_set_acceleration(dial_id,acceleration) | Set acceleration | AM 4.1/AP 4.1 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
These functions let you add a slider to your instrument. You can add an horizontal, vertical or circular slider to your instrument.
Click here for a screencast video about slider functions.
Function | Description | Version |
slider_id = slider_add_hor(image, x, y, width, height, thumb_image, thumb_width, thumb_height, callback) | Add a horizontal slider to specified bounds | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
slider_id = slider_add_ver(image, x, y, width, height, thumb_image, thumb_width, thumb_height, callback) | Add a vertical slider to specified bounds | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
slider_id = slider_add_cir(image, x, y, width, height, radius, start_angle, end_angle, thumb_image, thumb_width, thumb_height, callback) | Add a circular slider to specified bounds | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
slider_set_position(slider_id, position) | Set the slider to a certain position | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Scroll wheel
These functions let you add a scroll wheel to your instrument. You can add a horizontal or vertical scroll wheel to your instrument.
Click here for a screencast video about scrollwheel functions.
Function | Description | Version |
scrollwheel_id = scrollwheel_add_hor(segment_image, x, y, width, height, segment_width, segment_height, callback) | Add a horizontal scroll wheel to specified bounds | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
scrollwheel_id = scrollwheel_add_ver(segment_image, x, y, width, height, segment_width, segment_height, callback) | Add a vertical scroll wheel to specified bounds | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
mouse_setting(scrollwheel_id,property,value) | Sets mouse settings for a button (such as custom cursor images) | AM 3.1/AP 3.1 and up |
touch_setting(scrollwheel_id,property,value) | Sets touch settings for a scroll wheel | AM 3.1/AP 3.1 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
These functions let you open a moving map to your instrument. OpenStreetMap is used as the source for the map. You also have the ability to overlay NAV data (Airports, VOR, NDB) onto the map.
Click here for a screencast video about the map functions.
Function | Description | Version |
map_id = map_add(x,y,width,height,source,zoom) | Add a map to the instrument. | AM 1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
map_goto(map_id,lat,lon) | Go to a certain location on earth, defined by longitude and latitude. | AM 1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
map_zoom(map_id,zoom) | Change the zoom level of a map | AM 1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
map_baselayer(map_id,source) | Change the base layer of a map | AM 1.1.2/AP 3.0 and up |
rotate(map_id,degrees) | Rotate the map to the specified degree | AM 4.1/AP 4.1 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Function | Description | Version |
layer_id = map_add_nav_img_layer(map_id, nav_type, filename, x, y, width, height) | Add an image layer to the map for a certain NAV source. | AM 1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
layer_id = map_add_nav_txt_layer(map_id, nav_type, nav_param, style, x, y, width, height) | Add a txt layer to the map for a certain NAV source. | AM 1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
layer_id = map_add_nav_canvas_layer(map_id, nav_type, x, y, width, height, draw_callback) | Add a canvas layer to the map for a certain NAV source. | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
map_nav_canvas_layer_draw(layer_id) | Redraw the canvas | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
visible(layer_id,visible) | Make a layer visible or invisible | AM 1.3/AP 3.0 and up |
Video stream
These functions let you add video streams to your instrument.
Function | Description | Version |
video_stream_id = video_stream_add(key, x, y, width, height) | Add a video stream | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
video_stream_set(video_stream_id, tex_x, tex_y, text_width, text_height) | Change texture or texture size | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
The canvas allows to draw shapes like lines, rectangles, circles etc. in your instrument.
The canvas screencast video is divided into part one, part two and part three.
Function | Description | Version |
canvas_id = canvas_add(x, y, width, height, draw_callback) | Create a new canvas to draw in. | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
canvas_draw(canvas_id, draw_callback) | Redraw the canvas | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
rotate(canvas_id,degrees) | Rotate canvas to the specified degree | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Draw callback functions
Function | Description | Version |
_move_to(x, y) | Move pen to new location | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_line_to(x, y) | Queue line to new location | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_bezier_to(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) | Queue bezier line to new location | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_quad_to(cpx, cpy, x, y) | Queue quad line to new location | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_arc_to(cpx, cpy, x, y, radius) | Queue arc line to new location | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_arc(cx, cy, start_angle, end_angle, radius, direction) | Queue arc | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_rect(x, y, width, height, corner) | Queue a rectangle for drawing | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_circle(cx, cy, radius) | Queue a circle for drawing | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_ellipse(cx, cy, radius_x, radius_y) | Queue a ellipse for drawing | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) | Queue a triangle for drawing | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_stroke(color, stroke_width) | Stroke enqueued objects | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_fill(color) | Fill enqueued objects | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
_fill_img(file_name, x, y, width, height, opacity) | Fill enqueued objects with an image | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
_fill_gradient_linear(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_1, color_2) | Fill enqueued objects with a linear gradient | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
_fill_gradient_box(x, y, width, height, corner, feather, color_inner, color_outer) | Fill enqueued objects with a boxed gradient | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
_fill_gradient_radial(x, y, radial_inner, radial_outer, color_inner, color_outer) | Fill enqueued objects with a radial gradient | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
_txt(text, style, x, y) | Draw text | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
_rotate(angle, x, y) | Rotate around a certain position | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
_translate(x, y) | Move content in X and/or Y direction | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
_scale(angle, x, y) | Scale content | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Groups give you the ability to group together multiple nodes (switch, button, image, text, etc etc). This way you can make the whole group visible of invisible with one function call.
Click here for a screencast video about the group functions.
Function | Description | Version |
group_id = group_add(node_id, ...) | Create a new group | AM 1.2/AP 3.0 and up |
group_obj_add(group_id, node_id, ...) | Add additional nodes to the group | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
group_obj_remove(group_id, node_id, ...) | Remove nodes from the group | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
rotate(group_id, degrees) | Rotate the group | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Set of functions to interact with instruments that are part of a panel.
Function | Description | Version |
instrument_id = instrument_get(uuid, offset) | Get an instrument from the running panel | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
z_order(instrument_id, order) | Set the Z order of an instrument | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Set of functions to create and manipulate a layer.
Function | Description | Version |
layer_id = layer_add(z_order, callback) | Create a new layer | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
z_order(layout_id, order) | Set the Z order of a layer | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
move, visible, opacity and viewport_rect | Inherited from Node |
Hardware functions. All sorts of functions aimed to do interact with hardware buttons, dials, LED's etc.
Check the list below for compatible hardware (such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino):
Hardware ID list
Hardware node
All hardware objects (like buttons, switches, character displays etc.) are considered hardware nodes, and as such can be used with the functions below.
Function | Description | Version |
connected = hw_connected(hw_node_id) | Determines if the hardware node is connected to the actual hardware | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
Function | Description | Version |
hw_button_id = hw_button_add(hw_id, pressed_callback, released_callback) | Add a hardware button | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Function | Description | Version |
hw_led_id = hw_led_add(hw_id, initial_brightness) | Add a LED output | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_led_set(hw_led_id, brightness) | Set the brightness of the LED | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Function | Description | Version |
hw_switch_id = hw_switch_add(hw_id_0, hw_id_1, hw_id_n, callback) | Add a hardware switch | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
position = hw_switch_get_position(hw_switch_id) | Get the current switch position | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Rotary encoder
Function | Description | Version |
hw_dial_id = hw_dial_add(hw_id_a, hw_id_b, callback) | Add a rotary encoder | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_dial_set_acceleration(hw_dial_id, acceleration) | Change the acceleration of a rotary encoder | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Digital input
Function | Description | Version |
hw_input_id = hw_input_add(hw_id, callback) | Add a hardware input | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
state = hw_input_read(hw_input_id) | Reads the current state of the input | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Digital output
Function | Description | Version |
hw_output_id = hw_output_add(hw_id, initial_state) | Add a hardware output | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_output_set(hw_output_id, state) | Set the state of a output | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Analog input
Function | Description | Version |
hw_adc_input_id = hw_adc_input_add(hw_id, callback) | Add a hardware ADC input | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
state = hw_adc_input_read(hw_adc_input_id) | Read the current ADC input value | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Analog output
Function | Description | Version |
hw_dac_output_id = hw_dac_output_add(hw_id, initial_value) | Add a DAC output (analog voltage) | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
hw_dac_output_set(hw_dac_output_id, value) | Set the state of a DAC output | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
PWM output
Function | Description | Version |
hw_output_pwm_id = hw_output_pwm_add(hw_id, frequency_hz, initial_duty_cycle) | Add a PWM hardware output | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_output_pwm_duty_cycle(hw_output_pwm_id, duty_cycle) | Set the duty cycle of a PWM output | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Character display
Function | Description | Version |
hw_chr_display_id = hw_chr_display_add(type, nr_displays, hw_id_0, hw_id_1 ...) | Add a character display | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
hw_chr_display_set_text(hw_chr_display_id, display, line, text) | Write text to a character display | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
hw_chr_display_set_brightness(hw_chr_display_id, display, brightness) | Set brightness for a character display | AM 3.4/AP 3.4 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Button array
Function | Description | Version |
hw_button_array_id = hw_button_array_add(nr_rows, nr_columns, hw_id_0, hw_id_1, ..., pressed_callback, released_callback) | Add a hardware button array | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Stepper motor
Function | Description | Version |
hw_stepper_motor_id = hw_stepper_motor_add(type, nr_steps, speed_rpm, hw_id_0, hw_id_1, ...) | Add a stepper motor | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
hw_stepper_motor_calibrate(hw_stepper_motor_id, position) | Calibrate to the current stepper motor position | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
hw_stepper_motor_speed(hw_stepper_motor_id, speed_rpm) | Set the speed of the stepper motor | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
hw_stepper_motor_position(hw_stepper_motor_id, position, direction) | Set the desired position of the stepper motor | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
Message port
Function | Description | Version |
hw_message_port_id = hw_message_port_add(hw_id, message_callback) | Add a message port | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
hw_message_port_send(hw_message_port_id , message_id, payload_type, payload) | Send a message to the message port | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
hw_connected | Inherited from Hardware node |
These functions let you add a timer to your instrument. The timer can call a specific function with a configurable interval, and delay.
Function | Description | Version |
timer_id = timer_start(delay,period,callback_function) | Start a timer which will call a function at a given interval | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
timer_stop(timer_id) | Stop a timer | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
running = timer_running(timer_id) | Check if a timer is still running | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
Persistence functions let you save data to the hard drive. This makes it possible to let your instrument 'remember' certain settings or values.
Function | Description | Version |
persist_id = persist_add(key, type, initial_value) | Open up a new persistence object | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
persist_put(persist_id, value) | Put a new value in the persistence object | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
value = persist_get(persist_id) | Get the value from a persistence object | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
User properties
User properties can be used to let the user of the instrument change certain aspects of your instrument. User properties are visible to the instrument user and requires no need knowledge of the lua system.
Function | Description | Version |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_integer(name, min, max, default_value, description) | Create a new integer user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_real(name, min, max, default_value, description) | Create a new floating point user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_boolean(name, default_value, description) | Create a new boolean user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_string(name, default_value, description) | Create a new string user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_enum(name, possible_values, default_value, description) | Create a new enumeration (list) user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_percentage(name, min, max, default_value, description) | Create a new percentage user property | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_table(name, column_name, column_type, ..., description) | Create a new table user property | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
user_prop_id = user_prop_add_hardware_id(name, default_value, description) | Create a new hardware ID user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
value = user_prop_get(user_prop_id) | Get the value of a user property | AM 3.0/AP 3.0 and up |
Static data
Add own data (CSV, JSON or text) to your instrument.
Function | Description | Version |
static_data_load(path, callback) | Load data from CSV, JSON or txt file | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
These functions let you add sound clips to your instrument. Only WAV file format is supported.
Function | Description | Version |
sound_id = sound_add(filename, volume) | Loads a new sound | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
sound_play(sound_id) | Play a sound once | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
sound_loop(sound_id) | Play a sound forever and ever | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
sound_volume(sound_id) | Change volume of a sound | AM 4.1/AP 4.1 and up |
sound_stop(sound_id) | Stop playing a sound | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
Game controller
These functions let you get events from HID game controller (joystick) devices. Only works on the Windows and Linux platform.
Function | Description | Version |
game_controller_list = game_controller_list() | List all attached game controllers | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
game_controller_id = game_controller_add(game_controller_name, callback) | Create a new game controller | AM 4.0/AP 4.0 and up |
These functions help you get navigation data from Air Manager.
Function | Description | Version |
nav_get(nav_type, nav_property, value) | Get details of a NAV item | AM 2.1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
nav_get_nearest(nav_type, lat, lon, max_entries) | Get the nearest NAV items from a certain latitude and longitude | AM 2.1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
nav_get_radius(nav_type, lat, lon, distance, max_entries) | Get the NAV items within a radius around a certain latitude and longitude | AM 2.1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
distance = nav_calc_distance(distance_type, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) | Get the distance between two coordinates | AM 4.1/AP 4.1 and up |
bearing = nav_calc_bearing(bearing_type, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) | Get the bearing from the first coordinate to the second coordinate | AM 4.1/AP 4.1 and up |
With these functions, you can connect to various devices from your instrument code.
See the Device list for all supported devices like RealSimGear and Vortex Simulation.
Function | Description | Version |
device_add(type, offset) | Get a device reference | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
device_prop_set(prop_name, value) | Set a device property. E.g. display brightness. | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
device_prop_subscribe(prop_name, callback) | Subscribe to a device property. E.g. dial position or switch position. | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
device_command(command_name) | Send a command to the device. E.g. to turn the screen on. | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
device_command_subscribe(command_name, value) | Subscribe to a device command. E.g. when a button is pressed. | AM 4.2/AP 4.2 and up |
Flight Illusion
With these functions, you can connect to a Flight Illusion gauge or engine cluster from your instrument code.
See the Flight Illusion Gauges for all supported gauges and engine clusters.
Function | Description | Version |
fi_gauge_id = fi_gauge_add(address, type) | Add a Flight Illusion gauge. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
fi_gauge_prop_set(fi_gauge_id, prop_name, value) | Set a gauge property. E.g. needle position or display text. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
fi_gauge_prop_subscribe(fi_gauge_id, prop_name, callback) | Subscribe to a gauge property. E.g. needle position or display text. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
fi_gauge_command(fi_gauge_id, command_name) | Send a command to the gauge. E.g. to turn the autopilot off. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
fi_gauge_command_subscribe(fi_gauge_id, command_name, value) | Subscribe to a gauge command. E.g. when a button is pressed. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
fi_engine_cluster_id = fi_engine_cluster_add(type) | Add a Flight Illusion engine cluster. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
fi_engine_cluster_prop_set(fi_engine_cluster_id, prop_name, value) | Set a engine cluster property. E.g. needle position or display text. | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
Helper functions. All sorts of functions aimed to do common instruments tasks.
Function | Description | Version |
value = instrument_prop(property) | Get different settings from the current instrument like aircraft, type, version, height, width, development, etc etc... | AM 2.1/AP 3.0 and up |
value = panel_prop(property) | Get different settings from the current panel like author, name, layout uuid, height, width, etc etc... | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
meta_data = resource_info(filename) | Get information of a resource file. This can also be used to check if a resource exists. | AM 2.1.1/AP 3.0 and up |
value = var_cap(value,min,max) | Limits a value to a minimum and maximum value. | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
value = var_round(value,decimals) | Rounds the value to the given number of decimals. | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
value = var_format(value,decimals) | Rounds the value to the given number of decimals and always shows that selected amount of decimals. | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
x, y = geo_rotate_coordinates(degrees, radius_x, radius_y) | Used to get the x and y coordinates from a circle with a certain radius and angle. | AM 1.0/AP 3.0 and up |
settings = interpolate_settings_from_user_prop(user_prop_table_value) | Creates interpolate settings from table user property | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
value = interpolate_linear(settings, value) | Interpolate a value with given settings | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |
feature_available = has_feature(name) | Check if the current version of Air Manager or Air Panel support a certain feature. | AM 3.5/AP 3.5 and up |
event_subscribe(callback) | Subscribe to global events. E.g., when the instrument or panel is starting, showing or closing. | AM 3.6/AP 3.6 and up |
shut_down(type) | Shut down application or computer | AM 3.3/AP 3.3 and up |
log(type, message, ...) | Write a message to the Air Manager or Air Player log file | AM 3.7/AP 3.7 and up |