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Both Air Manager & Air Player have support for multiple Arduino devices.
You are able to use Air Manager or Air Player to drive LED's, Buttons, Switches, Rotary encoders etc. through the Arduino.

Within Air Manager you will find the installer that will flash your Arduino, to make it possible to communicate with Air Manager or Air Player automatically using an USB connection.

Info Arduino MEGA 2560 (up to REV 3), Uno (up to REV 3), Micro, Leonardo and Nano are supported, other Arduino models will not work.

Prepare your Arduino

1. Connect your Arduino to your computer using a USB cable.
2. Start Air Manager, and go to the Home tab.
3. Click the Flash button in the ribbon bar.
4. Select the type of Arduino you have.
5. Select the COM port to which the Arduino is connected.
6. Select the channel. Each Arduino of the same type should have a unique channel assigned to it.
7. Click Flash and wait until the installer is done.
8. The Arduino will automatically be added to Air Manager.

Use hardware functions to bind Arduino pin's to certain functions in your flight simulator.

You can also use the hardware API to interact with your Arduino. Go to our Hardware API page to learn more.

Arduino Library (SiMessagePort)

Info The Arduino Library is for advanced users only. See above for normal usage.

We offer a way to communicate between your Arduino sketch and an instrument. We have created an Arduino library called the 'Message Port'.

You get to choose which messages you want to send back and forth.

Implementing the Message Port library in your sketch

Download the Message Port library

    Import the library into Arduino IDE

    • Download the 'Message port library 4.x Home' file.
    • Unzip the '' file from the downloaded zip file.
    • Import the Message Port library into Arduino IDE by going to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library and select the '' file.

    Getting started

    Below, you will see a very basic example on how to send messages between the Arduino and the instrument.

    Instrument code

    -- This function will be called when a message is received from the Arduino.
    function new_message(id, payload)
      -- Do something with the message from the Arduino
    id = hw_message_port_add("ARDUINO_MEGA2560_A", new_message)
    -- Send a message to the Arduino with id 777 and 3 bytes as payload (0x01, 0x02, 0x03)
    hw_message_port_send(id, 777, "BYTE[3]", { 1, 2, 3 })

    Arduino sketch

    #include <si_message_port.hpp>
    SiMessagePort* messagePort;
    static void new_message_callback(uint16_t message_id, struct SiMessagePortPayload* payload) {
      // We received a message from Air Manager or Air Player
    void setup() {
      // Init library on channel A and Arduino type MEGA 2560
      messagePort = new SiMessagePort(SI_MESSAGE_PORT_DEVICE_ARDUINO_MEGA_2560, SI_MESSAGE_PORT_CHANNEL_A, new_message_callback);
    void loop() {
      // Make sure this function is called regularly
      if ( ... ) {
        // Send a message with id 777 and three bytes payload to the instrument
        uint8_t payload[3] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 };
        messagePort->SendMessage(777, payload, 3);
        // There are multiple payload types available (integer, float, byte and string)
        messagePort->SendMessage(777, "hello"); // String
        messagePort->SendMessage(777, (int32_t)-890); // Integer
        messagePort->SendMessage(777, 5.6f); // Float


    SiMessagePort (constructor)

    SiMessagePort(enum SiMessagePortDevice device, enum SiMessagePortChannel channel, void (*message_callback)(uint16_t message_id, struct SiMessagePortPayload* payload));

    Call this function in the Arduino setup() function.


    # Argument Type Description
    1 device enum SiMessagePortDevice Defined the Arduino type. See si_message_port.h for available types.

    From AM 4.0:
    2 channel enum SiMessagePortChannel Defined the channel your Arduino should have (A->P).
    3 message_callback function(message_id, payload) Function that will be called when a message is received from the instrument.

    Message callback

    void (*message_callback)(uint16_t message_id, struct SiMessagePortPayload* payload)
    Argument Type Description
    message_id uint16_t The message id that was sent from your instrument. Can range from 0 - 65535.
    payload struct SiMessagePortPayload* This struct contains information about the payload that was sent from your instrument. The pointer is NULL when no payload has been sent.
    payload->type enum SiMessagePortDataType Data type in the payload. Can be:
    payload->len uint8_t Number of elements in the payload
    payload->data_byte uint8_t* The payload data when the payload has type SI_MESSAGE_PORT_DATA_TYPE_BYTE.
    payload->data_string char* The payload data when the payload has type SI_MESSAGE_PORT_DATA_TYPE_STRING.
    payload->data_int int32_t* The payload data when the payload has type SI_MESSAGE_PORT_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER.
    payload->data_float float* The payload data when the payload has type SI_MESSAGE_PORT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT .


    void Tick();

    Call this function in the Arduino loop() function.


    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, String string)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, uint8_t byte)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, uint8_t* data, uint8_t len)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, int32_t number)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, int32_t* numbers, uint8_t len)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, float number)
    SendMessage(uint16_t message_id, float* numbers, uint8_t len)

    Use this function if you want to send a message to an instrument. There are multiple overloads available, depending on what kind of payload you want to send.

    Return value

    Argument Type Description
    result enum SiMessagePortResult Returns if the message has been processed correctly.
    SI_MESSAGE_PORT_RESULT_OK, Everything went fine
    SI_MESSAGE_PORT_RESULT_ILLEGAL_LEN, You supplied a len bigger then 8
    SI_MESSAGE_PORT_RESULT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, No room in output buffer, try again later


    # Argument Type Description
    1 message_id uint16_t Message id.
    n payload * Multiple options are available, depending on what kind of payload type you wish to send.


    DebugMessage(enum SiMessagePortLogLevel level, String message);

    Use this function if you want to send debug information to Air Manager or Air Player.

    Return value

    Argument Type Description
    result enum SiMessagePortResult Returns if the message has been processed correctly.
    SI_MESSAGE_PORT_RESULT_OK, Everything went fine
    SI_MESSAGE_PORT_RESULT_ILLEGAL_LEN, You supplied a len bigger then 8
    SI_MESSAGE_PORT_RESULT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, No room in output buffer, try again later


    # Argument Type Description
    1 level enum SiMessagePortLogLevel Log level
    2 message String The debug message.