I have an Arduino Uno with 5 rotary encoders, xplane 12 on a Mac M2 with the Cessna 172.
I can get them to update the heading bug and VOR HSI but can’t get it to work on the second VOR. Although the sim innovations virtual panel does update the VOR it doesn’t update in the game cockpit. Any ideas?
Bonus question: I’ve also found that every once in a while the knobs update a random dial and not the one they’re supposed to.
Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
Re: Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
Figured out question 2, but cannot solve the first. I went into "viewer" and cannot even find a variable that updates when I change the VOR 2 OBS dial. It's like the sim is not sending updates and AM cannot update the sim.
Re: Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
I think I figured out what's going on but don't know how to fix it. The AM panel is modifying the pilot version of the gage (sim/cockpit/radios/nav2_obs_degm) but the simulator is on the co-pilot version of the gage (sim/cockpit/radios/nav2_obs_degm2). I don't know how to either force xplane to use the pilot version, or how to change the AM instrument to use the copilot version. I could try adding the number 2 to the end of a bunch of variables and cross my fingers?
Re: Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
I totally got this one done by myself lol. Changed the hardware to copilot, looked up the copilot commands and datarefs that pertained to nav2 copilot, and changed them. Seems like a bug in xplane to refer to this instrument as a copilot instrument. Carry on
Re: Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
They changed the CDI (2) to HSI copilot with the release of X-Plane 12, I have no idea why. It's only with the Cessna 172.
Re: Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
I have the same problem. After latest bugfix vor 2 is now following vor 1 needle. I also use an arduino board for parking brake and fuel cut off . These does not work always.
Re: Arduino Uno not updating VOR 2 on XP12 (Mac)
There is a bug in the Arduino Uno firmware within AM 4.2.5. It results in weird and unreliable behaviour.
Will make a new AM release version tomorrow with a fix.
If you want to use it right now, make sure to replace the file here with the file included in the attached zip:
C:\Program Files\Air Manager\flash\arduino_uno.hex
Flash again within Air Manager, afterwards, things should improve.
There is a bug in the Arduino Uno firmware within AM 4.2.5. It results in weird and unreliable behaviour.
Will make a new AM release version tomorrow with a fix.
If you want to use it right now, make sure to replace the file here with the file included in the attached zip:
C:\Program Files\Air Manager\flash\arduino_uno.hex
Flash again within Air Manager, afterwards, things should improve.