Air Manager 4.2 won't initialize with FI Gauges

Everything about Flight Illusion hardware in combination with Air Manager or Gstep.

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Air Manager 4.2 won't initialize with FI Gauges

#1 Post by Pat738 »

I'm also having the problem of none of my Flight Illusion Gauges initializing in 4.2.0 or 4.2.1,,,, The only way I can get any of my 15 Flight Illusion Gauge to work is to move the "Light Intensity" Bar slightly. This seems to bring the gauges alive. I have to do this for each gauge everytime I start the Air Manager program. My scripts have not changed, only upgrading to Air Manager 4.2,,,,, I know of 2 other people with Flight Illusion Gauges with the same scripts in X-Plane having the same problem. I have submitted a Ticket CALG-LTAM-VZW

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