Complementing real-world instruction with remote sim coaching

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Complementing real-world instruction with remote sim coaching

#1 Post by FlyerDavidUK »

I am a full time flight instructor in the UK and wanted to share that I've had some good success particularly this year, working directly with students who have invested in their own flight simulators. I've helped them remotely (via Zoom) with equipment specification and configuration, then coached them remotely on how to fly properly.

This has allowed them to consolidate the real-world flight instruction given in an aircraft, and undoubtedly reduced the number of (expensive) flight hours required. I'd particularly mention two who both live abroad, of which one came to the UK for several bursts of real-world PPL training spread over a year, and passed his PPL skill test after just 46 hours of instruction. He said he got a lot more use out of his sim after taking some flight lessons, so he knew what he should be doing and looking at. The other trained elsewhere in Sweden and felt he also passed in far fewer hours than would have been needed otherwise. Another older UK student who lives a long way from the flight school bought his own Cessna 182T aircraft in which we trained towards the full Instrument Rating. Again, a number of remote zoom sessions on his sim which was configured to match his cockpit closely (I have to develop and adapt a few new instruments such as the TIT gauge) really helped to fully understand and cement the operation of his avionics and commit to memory the standard operating procedures. He passed his IR earlier this year first time.

I also built a simulator at the flying club, which closely matches the aircraft in the fleet and is quite popular with PPL students especially when practicing cross country navigation (and on bad weather days). One commented that it was the best flight simulator he'd found at a club, largely because the scenery, instruments and experience match the real world very closely.

For those interested (and if it's not inappropriate), I'd recommend - they offer remote flight sim coaching worldwide using a pool of professional flight instructors in several countries of which I am one. You can also contact me directly via my website at
UK Private pilot and flight instructor with CPL/IR/FI/IRI approx 2000 hours offering remote flight instruction via Zoom
See my website for trip reports around Europe/US, my training experience and services offered

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